A Witch's Mortal Desire (A Distant Edge Romance Book 1) Page 3
That sounded cold, but I nodded my head in agreement anyway, knowing full well that even Burgundy wouldn’t do such a hurtful thing to my annoying sister.
Chapter Three
Chrys was shifting uncomfortably in the backseat. She’d always hated my driving.
I was on autopilot.
“Please slow down.” Her voice was high and scared.
“Chrys, I’m going the speed limit.” I peeked down at the odometer. Oops. Grimacing, I removed my foot from the gas as Burgundy looked over at me. Was that disapproval? No, it couldn’t be. I hadn’t done it on purpose. Consciously, anyway. Tapping my special ring on the steering wheel reminded me to breathe.
The ocean stretched out, flanking one side of the highway while statuesque houses lined the other, up a hill that rose and undulated.
“Why do you let her drive your car, Burgundy?” She sounded reproachful.
Burgundy turned to look at Chrys. “She needs practice driving something other than her Vespa.”
“Pfft, she needs practice when there aren’t other people in the car.”
I hit the brake hard and she flew forward. It was underhanded, passive-aggressive even, and I knew it.
“What the—“ Chrys started but Burgundy held up her hand.
“Sadie, do not drive like a crazy woman or I’ll drive instead. Chrys, please don’t put Sadie down or I’ll bite you into submission.”
“You wouldn’t— You—“ Chrys stammered, her words coming out squeaky.
Vampires can release a sedative-like substance with their bites if they want to. It’s one of the many hormones in their arsenal. They can inject oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, to make humans and Signum compliant. They also have a truth serum and some other combinations that even I don’t know about. Each had probably evolved back when vampires weren’t able to solicit willing participants. As far as I knew, Burgundy didn’t use those gifts. She didn’t have to.
Burgundy shook her head and sighed. “Let’s not find out.”
I watched my sister in the rearview mirror. Her lips tightened and she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Fine. Moving on. What is ecstatic dancing anyway?”
“It’s kind of like techno music but the beat starts slowly and then subtly increases,” answered Burgundy. “It moves through a series of escalating beats, which gets you dancing faster and faster. Then it winds down again.”
“Sounds like fun,” Chrys offered from the back.
“I don’t know if you’ll say that once we’re there,” I called out.
Burgundy gave me a warning glance.
“Why not?” Chrys asked.
Burgundy put her arm on the back of her seat and swiveled around. “There’s some sexy dancing but you do not have to partake.”
“What?” Chrys looked aghast.
I tried not to smile. Why did I feel a little thrill pulse through me whenever my sister looked shocked? Probably because she took every opportunity to put me down for my sexual appetite. So much so I felt buried under the shame sometimes, even with Burgundy to tell me again and again there was nothing wrong with my needs.
“Well, now I don’t want to go.” Chrys’s nose scrunched like she was getting mad.
Burgundy and I exchanged worried glances. When Chrys got angry, she accidentally cast spells. It was the only time she could cast without using normal witch protocols, like drawing a circle, mixing herbs or chanting an incantation.
“I’ll make sure you’re not uncomfortable.” Burgundy pulled down the sun visor and flipped open the little mirror to apply more lipstick. As if she needed more lipstick, though that deep red really suited her full, thick lips. Focus, Sadie.
“I love dancing but this sounds like it’s going to be uncomfortable.”
“I bet you’ll like it.” Burgundy used her authoritative teacher’s voice. That tone got me so hot. I squirmed against my seat, trying to rub myself a little bit.
“Are people naked?” Chrys’s words came out clipped, her voice higher than normal.
How could she possibly be related to me? Burgundy put her finger to her luscious lips, her eyes moving up and to the right as she searched for the right words.
“Not usually, no. There are . . . beautiful writhing bodies and it attracts all Signum, unlike the V Club.”
“Humans too,” I called out, trying to be helpful. Chrys may have a lot in common with our mother but she did not hate humans.
“That’s supposed to make me feel better and want to go?” Chrys asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“Well, it doesn’t.”
I sighed. When I was little and got stuck in anger and resentment over our father leaving us, she used to remind me of the good times we all had. Before our bond was broken, I’d tried to do the same for her. Why had I bothered?
“We actually changed our plans tonight so that we could include you, Chrys.” It was out of my mouth before I could stop it.
Sounds of squeaking leather came from the backseat of Burgundy’s 1976 red Camaro.
“I’m afraid to ask but what were your plans before this?” Chrys said.
“We were supposed to go to the club.” Again I knew I should have kept my mouth shut.
“So you’re basically just babysitting me tonight? How big of you.”
Burgundy put her hand on my leg, a warning gesture. I should have listened.
“You know, you’re not exactly a bundle of kittens to be around. Mom wanted us to include you.”
“Why?” Chrys asked.
“She said it was because she’s worried about all the disappearances around town and thinks three are better than two when traveling around here together after dark.” I coughed. “But I think it’s really because she doesn’t agree with my lifestyle choices and wanted you to chaperone me.”
“That sounds more like it,” said Chrys, “and no one agrees with your lifestyle choices, Sadie. They’re disgusting.”
My cheeks burned, the blood automatically rushing upwards. “At least I have a life.” The intended bite fell flat.
“Eff you, Sadie,” Chrys said. She couldn’t actually bring herself to say the word.
Burgundy turned around, to run interference probably, when one of the tires blew out.
I tried to regain control of the car as it skidded and swerved.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Chrys muttered from the backseat.
I brought the car to a stop by pumping the brake. It sounded like Chrys was crying in the backseat but I was too shaken to look.
We weren’t too far from the center of town and the boardwalk pier where Promise was located. The lights shone brightly ahead. Walking this road was like braving a wind tunnel in hell but it didn’t look like we had another option.
Burgundy got out of the car and into the backseat. “It’s okay, Chrys. Everyone is okay. Take some deep breaths and lean back. That’s it, close your eyes and breathe.”
Turning around, I saw Chrys’s unpainted mouth go slack.
My heart twisted at the sight of her. It reminded me of when she was little and would accidentally cast spells if I stole her favorite toy. Mamma had rarely punished her. She hadn’t needed to. Chrys had always felt genuinely awful about it.
I couldn’t stay upset even though she drove me bonkers. “Everything will be fine, Chrys. It was an accident,” I said, my voice wavering as I got out of the car to inspect the damage.
She mumbled something softly to Burgundy, my roommate’s arm around her. That vampire was a saint.
Looking at the jagged rubber mess and mangled rim, I stood there with my hands on my hips. If I had Aurelia’s powers, I could fix this but I didn’t, which irked me again. At least we were out of the road far enough for other cars to drive by. There were only a few and I looked to see if I knew anyone as they passed. I didn’t.
A few minutes later, Burgundy got out of the car and walked over to me.
“We can walk from here. I’ll call roadside service. I think
Daniel is working tonight. He can fix it, drive it over to Promise and leave it there.”
“Okay, thanks for taking care of that,” I said as Burgundy walked a few feet away to make the call.
I was still staring at the mangled tire when Chrys exited the vehicle a few minutes later.
“You know, Sadie, it was an accident,” she said angrily. Hadn’t I been the one to tell her that? “As if you didn’t already make my life miserable, I bet you’re going to hold this against me now too.”
But I wasn’t. I felt genuinely bad for her. I opened my mouth but she cut me off.
“I hate you,” she called out as she stormed away from me toward the pier.
I watched her go, feeling guilty and a tiny bit relieved.
Chapter Four
When we finally arrived late to Promise, the dancing was already in full swing.
Everything was contained in one large room. Techno music reverberated off the soft-paneled walls. The DJ table was nestled in a far corner; the woman behind the sound system sported a headset, busily sliding mixer keys while bouncing her bobbed do up and down. Dark purple lipstick shone on her wide lips.
The dance floor took up most of the space with a small raised stage to one side and yoga mats for stretching by the entrance. I loved the light show, which resembled galaxies and nebulas flashing across the ceiling, casting a warm, electronic glow.
Burgundy, Chrys and I made our way onto the dance floor. I was hoping the music would make us all forget the trauma of the blowout.
Still, I didn’t particularly want to be near Chrys and walked away, straining my neck to look for Jared. I had only taken a step or two before Burgundy grabbed my arm.
“We’re not leaving her,” she whispered in my ear above the din, adjusting the loose cotton scarf I wore around my neck.
Chrys was looking around, her eyes wide, her mouth slack. I did not want to know what she was thinking.
All around us, bodies were moving to the music. At least no one was naked. There were so many cute guys, the memory of the tense day faded, warmth radiating throughout my body. I wanted to move toward the dancing bodies but Burgundy did not let go of my arm. Her other hand was holding Chrys’s arm.
What did the scene look like through Chrys’s eyes? There were several couples engaged in contact dancing, moving to the music while keeping some part of their bodies in contact with each other. It did not float my boat. It was silly to watch.
“Chrys,” I called out to her. Her head swiveled toward me. “Too much?” I asked.
She shook her head no. “I’ve almost seen you pose naked in figure drawing. That would be too much. Though . . .” she looked to her left and my eyes followed her gaze.
One boy had his arm on a girl’s back and they were slinking and moving together like a caterpillar. He shifted and turned, rubbing his butt against hers. They bent over, facing away from one another, and continued to rub their butts together with their hands on their knees. I looked away to keep from laughing.
Chrys caught my eye, covering her mouth with her hand to stop from laughing as well. Her gaze returned to the dance floor, eyes wide, before tapping me and pointing. Several people looked like they were making love to the wall, gyrating in and out of the solid structure. We exchanged glances again before catching sight of a small group of people huddled together, holding their hands up to the heavens as if praying. They brought their hands down in unison to their hearts and reached out toward each other, palms up. The swaying and frenzy built as some men jumped up and down, running spastically around the room.
Chrys hooted loudly, her outburst carried away in the din. It delighted me to see my sister’s face lit up like a war-torn soldier caught behind enemy lines being treated to one hot night with a prostitute.
Burgundy saw it too and reached to take Chrys’s hand, pulling her forward. They danced together, moving and swaying with the music. My sister loved to dance, though she only did it alone in her bedroom, but watching the two of them together in this environment was weird for me.
I looked around for Jared and finally spotted him entangled with an extremely hot, shirtless male. Why even bother to tell Burg and Chrys where I was going? They’d figure it out. I made my way over to Jared, bouncing next to him until he noticed me.
“Sadie,” he yelled over the music and broke away from the six-pack. He threw his arms around me and kissed me full on the lips. Oh, that tingle. I so wished that he regularly played for my team, but at least he got drunk every once in a while and let his guard down.
I tried to force my tongue into his mouth in case this was one of those nights. He pushed me away playfully and reached for Mr. Abs.
“Dirk, this is my roommate Sadie. Sadie, meet Dirk.” Jared licked his lips, not even trying to hide his consuming lust for the man. I loved that about him.
Dirk leaned in against my ear. “A pleasure to meet you.” His voice was silky soft and sent shivers down to “you know where.” If I were a man, I would totally be gay.
“The pleasure is all mine,” I rasped deeply into his ear, just in case he was bi.
Dirk laughed and grabbed Jared, pushing his groin tightly against my willing roommate, letting me know that no, he was not remotely bisexual.
“Pfft. Have fun, boys,” I managed as I danced off to look for more candy.
Dancing always released something ancient inside me. It connected me to the deepest part of myself. I equated it with the animal that Jared let free. Sex felt this way for me too, yet with dancing, I got to express myself openly without fear of judgment or retribution. From as far back as I could remember, my body had moved on its own to the music, dipping and swaying, gyrating and undulating.
As with sex, I could reach a trance state, much like deep meditation. Knowledge of passing time eluded me in those moments. I’d asked other people about it, but no one else seemed to have the same relationship with dancing. Or with sex, for that matter.
I danced around the room, looking for someone to be my candy tonight. I wanted someone tall and dark and built, like Ryder . . .
And then I saw him, dancing in a corner by himself. Was I imagining it? Was I so sprung over this guy that I’d started envisioning him where I wished?
I rubbed my eyes as I moved slowly over to the spot. Maybe if I looked again, the apparition would disappear. Nope. There he was, moving at half the speed of the frenetic beat beginning to build.
I stopped a short distance away to watch and appreciate. Those hips and perfect ass were revolving at a delicious tempo. It made me want to reach out and grab them. To hold on for dear life. Was he with someone? I didn’t see anyone looking at him the way I was, other than a few sorority girls, no doubt on a field trip from SDSU. Giggling and trying to get his attention. And failing.
Licking my lips, I moved closer, matching his slowed pace until I was next to him and we were moving together in perfect synchronicity.
He knew I was there even though he hadn’t looked at me or said anything.
I turned around so that my back was to him and he couldn’t ignore one of my best assets. He clasped his hands on my waist and I went instantly tingly.
He pulled me into his groin, and we moved as one on the dance floor, a sexy marriage of bodies. My head titled back, not reaching his shoulder, sighing. He reached one hand around and put it around my neck, grabbing hold of the scarf I wore and threading it around his hands. He pulled the loose ends around his own neck, joining us together before pulling me tightly against his body. Wow.
A man had never topped me, only Burgundy, and I liked it. My whole body reacted by sending out a mini convulsion as I soaked completely through my panties.
He sensed the effect he was having on me, and the hand on my hip moved down and snaked between my legs and up my skirt.
I almost fell but he held me firm, the scarf still connecting us. His fingers, quite adept, pushed my panties aside and found my moist center, where they alternately stroked and pumped in and out. I tried to t
urn around. I wanted to kiss him but he held me steadfast, completely focusing on his moves.
His hand played me. “Ryder,” I exclaimed breathlessly over the loud beat.
His warm mouth moved against my ear. “Shh,” he hissed, nibbling and licking. Unthreading the scarf wound around my neck he grasped my nape, the fingers of his other hand buried deep inside, moving rhythmically.
The build was fast and furious. I didn’t have time to think how this man I barely knew could make me feel this way. My release was close and when he bit my neck, hard, reminiscent of the afternoon’s bite from Burg, I started to come.
My orgasm exploded in waves as my entire body shuddered and convulsed. Ryder expertly held me aloft, his arms so big and strong and . . . safe.
I spun around, high from the afterglow and threw my arms tightly around his shoulders. He flinched and pulled back.
“What’s wrong?”
His eyes darted rapidly left to right, his head following.
“I have to go.”
“Um . . . What?”
Refocusing on me for an instant, he choked out, “Sadie, come with me.” Then his face twisted and he fell back a step.
Discomfort? Embarrassment? My hand shot out to try and comfort him.
“Don’t touch me,” he cried, turning toward the door.
The flush worked its way quickly up my body. Pausing, I bent down to place my head between my knees for some deep breathing. My scarf lay discarded on the floor and I picked it up, scrunching it into my pocket. I couldn’t keep apologizing for my sexuality. I wouldn’t. Squaring my shoulders, I flung my body upright. Tall.
Ryder was across the room, almost at the door, his back still to me. There was a wet spot on the back of his light gray shirt. Sweat?
My entire body shaking a little, I made my way slowly back to Burgundy and Chrys. They danced together, smiling.
Burgundy shimmied over to me. “What was that about?”
“I wish I knew.” My lips tightened. “My public orgasm scared him off?”